What should i do if i disagree with the advice given by my tax relief attorney?

Having a problem with taxes is stressful. As a New Jersey tax lawyer, I have seen first-hand how difficult it can be. Whether it's an audit, collection, or trying to comply with complex codes and regulations, tax law is an overwhelming area that needs to be addressed on its own. And as someone with a family that depends on you, or a company with employees who count on you, or both, there are many more important ways to spend your time than worrying about taxes.

For some people, having a complicated tax situation, such as having assets abroad, is reason enough to work with a law firm that specializes in tax issues. This may include filing a commitment offer, appealing the amount owed, seeking compensation for the innocent spouse, or even analyzing whether all or part of the tax debt is not within the statute of limitations for collecting tax debts. At the CAP, the IRS and the taxpayer work together to achieve tax compliance by resolving issues before filing the tax return. Unfortunately, taxpayers in Greensboro or Winston-Salem cannot resolve all federal tax issues directly with the tax agencies.

In most cases, if you are being audited, it's because the IRS has randomly chosen your tax return and then compared it to the “rules” it has developed based on a sample of tax returns. While hiring an accountant to prepare your taxes has many advantages, if you have tax problems with the IRS or the state of New Jersey, having a tax lawyer instead of an accountant has significant advantages. Whatever your situation, if you have a major tax problem, contact a New Jersey tax lawyer as soon as possible. You may be able to set up an installment agreement or payment plan, consolidate your tax debt, or use another method to pay your tax debt.

Income-based taxes, whether state, federal or on gross income, are generally the only tax debts that can be settled as part of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing.