How can a tax relief attorney help me?

A tax lawyer can help you protect your rights and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. The IRS and FTB can issue liens on your personal or immovable property as security against payments on your tax debt. An experienced tax lawyer can help you negotiate installment plans, compromise offers, and other solutions for your tax liability. A tax lawyer can help you deal with the IRS.

Depending on your situation, they can help you negotiate an offer and a compromise, eliminate penalties, set up payments, or protect your assets from collection actions. An attorney uses their experience to obtain the best possible outcome. The IRS and FTB can make mistakes, so if you think a garnishment has been imposed on you by mistake, a tax lawyer can help you prove it. In addition, as any IRS lawyer will tell you, foreign taxes and foreign assets are hot topics within the IRS because of their potential for abuse.

If you have tax problems, such as outstanding bills, IRS taxes, or wage garnishments, it's easy to feel like you're drowning as the problems of back taxes keep piling up. You especially need a tax lawyer if you are doing international business and need to develop contracts and handle taxes and other legal matters. If the cost of the fees is less than the balance of your back tax amount, then you may consider tax lawyers affordable. At this stage of the process, many tax lawyers can calculate how long your case will last and what the total cost will be.

For example, if you need to go to a tax court, you need an attorney with experience representing clients in tax court. Penalties for paying or filing taxes late can be high, and sometimes the penalties on the tax bill can be greater than the bill itself. For example, your tax matter abroad is likely to have tax consequences in the United States and in the foreign country involved. Whether you just need someone to help you with your company's income taxes or you've been accused of tax fraud, hire a tax lawyer to help you.

Keep in mind that when tax lawyers go to law school, they learn a lot about the tax code. The firm employs tax lawyers who deal with cases related to the incorrect filing of tax returns, wage garnishments, business and payroll taxes, and state tax issues. When hiring a specialized tax lawyer, you should make sure that you hire someone who can help you with tax disputes and tax debt at both the state and federal levels. Tax lawyers can help you both before you have a back tax problem and after the IRS has contacted you to resolve tax issues.

If you ignore notifications from tax agencies, you could be charged with tax evasion or other criminal charges.